Bukti nyata bahwa Cherrybelle plagiat SNSD - Komentar SNSD mengenai Cherrybelle
Tapi sy mau share aja^^
Saya dapetnya dari sone-gg-indo.blogspot.com, katanya Yuri eonni comment gini waktu wawancara di acara TV Korea, trus ada comment dari salah satu SONE katanya "aku jamin crita ini bener!kakakku beasiswa di Korea,pulang bawa koran yang isinya SNSD kecewa ama Indonesia!swear"
Percaya ga percaya sih, but let's check this out!
Girls Generation Yuri
" 미안 인도네시아입니다. 하지만 솔직히 나는 당신과 함께 인도네시아에 실망하고 있습니다. 인도네시아 얼굴 주민들은 당신을 재밌게 해주는 특별한 특징이 있습니다. 당신은 표절하지 않고 자신의 음악을 만들 수 있어야합니다. 나는 이름이 전세계에 걸쳐 지금은 매우 유명하다 아그네스 모니카 등 많은 창조적인 사람이 될 인도네시아 싶습니다. 난 좀더 쉽게 한국보다 인도네시아 음악 업계에서 상영 알고 있는데. 당신은 한국 girlband에있다면, 당신은 인도네시아에서보다 유명한되지 않습니다 확신 해요. 너무 감사 많은 팬들을 가지고 있지만 다른 가수의 흉내보다 노래를 직접 오히려을 작성하는 것이 좋습니다합니다. 그렇죠? - 유리 권 "
"i'm sorry Indonesia. but frankly I am disappointed with you, Indonesia. Indonesia faces residents have special characteristics that make you interesting. you should be able to create your own songs without plagiarism. I want Indonesia to be more creative people like Agnes Monica whose name is now very famous all over the world. i know playing in the Indonesian music industry more easily than in Korea . I'm sure if you are into Korean girlband, you will not be more famous than in Indonesia. so thankful to have many fans but it's better to create a song yourself rather than imitating other artists. right? - Yuri Kwon"
ini masih ada 1 lagi, tapi di acara berbeda disampaikan oleh Girls Generation Seohyun.
terlihat sekali kritiknya.
Girls Generation Seohyun
I Heard that
one of the girlband called Cherry Belle from Indonesia has made
plagiarism by see our style .tone of one of their songs are very
similiar to the tone of our song Called Kissing You.i was disappointed
with the Indonesian music industry that can not be creative .whether we
should include the name of Indonesia in our concert tour? we still hesitate to put Indonesia in the list of our concert Tour. - SeoHyun
(translate Hangul-English)
nb : Kalau emang cerita ini benar adanya saya cuma mau bilang "Selamat Buat Cherry Belle yang udah bikin malu nama Indonesia --"
Nah gimana pendapat kalian SONEs?
najisssssssss bener tuh si ceribel, wuek, pengen muntah saya liat tampang-tampang mereka
BalasHapusceribel PLAGIAT !! :@
BalasHapussemoga SNSD jadi tour ke indo . cz di indo juga bnyak fans snsd :-)
Sebaiknya jangan ,,!!!
Hapuskarena takutnya Ciribelle nonton konser Girls' Generation
aku juga mau klo Girls' Generation konser di Indonesia secara Live tidak dengan SM Twon,,
kan gawat klo sampe Ciribelle nonton
paan si chibi ga kreatif banget, ngapain jga si ngidolain chibi, bisanya plagiat doang ga kreatif! , buat para twibabo apa si bagus nya chibi? jiss
BalasHapusis it true what they had said?? I'm not cherrybelle fans nor sone. I want the confirmation only. I'm not simply believe what the things coming from the internet because there are not 100% reliable... anyway, thanks for the post and i hope Cherrybelle has their own concept and not influenced by SNSD because i believe they also can success by showing their identity and their own talents... -Jess
BalasHapusImposibru !!
HapusNggak usah sok bule ko woy
HapusYaa ampun Kamseupay banget si Chibi itu
BalasHapusgak Kreatif dasar Jelek ,,!!!!!
secara yg ditiru bukan cuma satu, dari jumlah anggota, trus pose pas foto, lagu nya ampir2 mirip, n koreografinya jg mirip2 klo masi dbelain mah kebangetan cuyyyyy
BalasHapusY ampuuun ...
BalasHapusaku nie gk bisa lho yg idola ku snsd membilangkan indonesia plagiat..
smntara aku nie sone indonesia ... sone indonesia bnyak bnget dtg chibi muncul makin bnyak lah anti nya
CHIBI cantik gaya nya tapi NIRU !!
BalasHapusCHIBI enak lagu nya tapi NIRU !!
CHIBI cantik bajunya tp NIRU
Mw semirip apa pun yg ditiru chibi gaya SNSD...
yakinlah gk bkalan mirip.. org emang dasarnya mereka tu jelek2,gk kreatif,pendek2
gk kyk snsd .. merek tu kreatif,cantik2,tinggi2,make-up pun gk pernah menor
klo chibi ... Make-up pun hampir di tiru ...
mirip pun kelen pasti menor
ah,kalian ga usah lebay menghujat ky gitu.....orang chibi nyanyinya aja lipsync tiyussss.....jgn2 sbagian/smua personelnya chibi bencong.....akur ?
BalasHapusDasar plagiat!!!
BalasHapusGua doain semoga cherrybelek bakal bubar secepatnya... Aminnn...
Aq sone asli snsd turut sedih karna chebhok telah plagiat snsd itu yg membuat snsd datang ke indo ragu2 aq plng benci klo dia smpe membuat eonniku jadi ragu2 datang ke indo soalnya dia membaca semua tentang grupnya diplagiat oleh chebhok :(
BalasHapusAdd fbq Amanda widya prasetiarini :)
link wawancaranya ada ga? pengen liat dong.. #anticherrybelle